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its speed from the pulling, because of the impetuosity of the strong horses.'
The commentary and Bernheimer (see Introd., p. 105) read -rabhasa-
karşand-. 8. For Bali and Hari, see note 4. For the use of the epithet
Hari to designate Indra, see stanza 71, note 3. For word-plays on the
double meaning of hari, see stanza 51, note 1.
V.L. (b) H karşandvaddha- (with dental nasal). (c) HB vyomombu-;
VJ santatam vo, B samtatam voḥ. (d) VJHBK lakşmim atulyām; HB
atunitamahimevoparo; B mandadriḥ (one syllable too few to suit the
yaj jyāyo bījam ahnām apahatatimiram cakṣuṣām añjanam
dvāram yan muktibhājām yad akhilabhuvanajyotişām ekam
yad vṛṣṭyambhonidhānam dharaṇirasasudhāpānapātram mahad
diśyād īśasya bhāsām tad avikalam alam mangalam mandalam
The¹ disk of (Sürya), Lord of Rays, is the pre-eminent cause of
days, and destroys <darkness> as an eye-salve [destroys]
<semi-blindness> of the eyes²;
It is [also] the doorway for those who obtain emancipation, and
is the sole abode of the splendors of the entire universe;
It is the reservoir of rain-water, and the mighty drinking-cup
[full] of the water [that is as] ambrosia to the earth.
May that disk of (Sürya), Lord of Rays, bestow upon you a
very full [measure of] prosperity!
Notes. 1. Stanzas 73-80 inclusive are devoted especially to the de-
scription and praise of Sürya's disk. 2. Lit. 'is the timira-destroying
eye-salve of the eyes.' The term timira means both 'darkness' and 'semi-
blindness.' 3. For the idea that the sun is the doorway to emancipation,
cf. stanza 9, note 7, and Bühler, Die indischen Inschriften, as cited above
in stanza 6, note 8. 4. For the notion that the sun 'draws water' from
the earth, and afterwards pours it down again in the form of rain, cf.
stanza 9, note 2.
V.L. (a) K jyāyo yat bijam, B yaj jydyo vijanmahām; VJHBK apahṛta-
timiram; VJHB añjanam yat. (b) J yadvaram mukti-, VH yad dvaram
mukti-, B yad dvaram mukti-. (c) J vrstyambho-. (d) K disyäd devasya
bhanoḥ tad adhikamam alam, J bhasam satatam avikalam mandalam
mangalam, VHBK mandalam mangalam.