2023-02-23 18:49:07 by ambuda-bot
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And it is like the River of Heaven"; for [the ground] <on both
sides [of the track] is repeatedly trampled by the swift hoofs
of the horses that scatter the golden dust>,
While [the ground] <on both banks [of the river] is frequently
trampled by the swift hoofs of horses that scatter its golden
sand> ;
[Moreover the track] <is yellowish-white because its sandy spots
are exposed to view through being emptied of the water [of
its mud-puddles] that has evaporated by its own heat>,
[And the river] <is yellowish-white because its sandy flats are
exposed to view through [the river's] being emptied of water
which has evaporated by its own heat>.
May the single track of the car of Ravi (Sürya) destroy your sin!
Notes. 1. This stanza is no. 63 in VJHB; cf. Introd., p. 83. 2. The
track of Surya's car is single, because the car had but one wheel; cf.
stanza 8, note 2. 3. I have rendered bharena by 'because of the weight';
its gloss, however, is pragbharena hetund, 'because of the slope,' and the
reference would seem to be to Mount Meru, with the idea that the track
has a downward trend (-nimna) because of Meru's slope. It is difficult,
however, to connect the remainder of the päda, referring to the felly, etc.,
with this conception. 4. I have rendered -nimna by 'indented.' A more
literal translation would be 'bent.' The gloss is avanata, 'bent down.'
5. The 'River of Heaven' was the celestial Ganges; cf. stanza 47, note 7.
6. I have rendered udakta by 'evaporated'; literally it means 'drawn up.'
V.L. (a) K-svarnareņur druta. (b) V abhrantabhränta-; J -cakra-
bhramanikhila-; VJH -nemni nimna, B -nemnimna. (c) H raver eka-
dvithi. (d) VHB svoşnodastämbu-, K svoşmodastambu-, J svoşnodak-
tambu-; VHB -pulinoddhüşara (with lingual sibilant); VJHB svardhunt
69 (68 in VJHB)
nantum nākālayānām aniśam anuyatām paddhatiḥ pańktir eva
kṣodo nakṣatrarāśer adayarayamilaccakrapiṣṭasya dhūliḥ
heṣāhrādo harīṇāṁ suraśikharidarīḥ pūrayan neminādo
yasyā 'vyāt tivrabhānoḥ sa divi bhuvi yathā vyaktacihno ratho
The¹ car of the Hot-rayed (Sürya) exhibits the [same] charac-
teristics in the sky, as if [it were running along] on the
And it is like the River of Heaven"; for [the ground] <on both
sides [of the track] is repeatedly trampled by the swift hoofs
of the horses that scatter the golden dust>,
While [the ground] <on both banks [of the river] is frequently
trampled by the swift hoofs of horses that scatter its golden
sand> ;
[Moreover the track] <is yellowish-white because its sandy spots
are exposed to view through being emptied of the water [of
its mud-puddles] that has evaporated by its own heat>,
[And the river] <is yellowish-white because its sandy flats are
exposed to view through [the river's] being emptied of water
which has evaporated by its own heat>.
May the single track of the car of Ravi (Sürya) destroy your sin!
Notes. 1. This stanza is no. 63 in VJHB; cf. Introd., p. 83. 2. The
track of Surya's car is single, because the car had but one wheel; cf.
stanza 8, note 2. 3. I have rendered bharena by 'because of the weight';
its gloss, however, is pragbharena hetund, 'because of the slope,' and the
reference would seem to be to Mount Meru, with the idea that the track
has a downward trend (-nimna) because of Meru's slope. It is difficult,
however, to connect the remainder of the päda, referring to the felly, etc.,
with this conception. 4. I have rendered -nimna by 'indented.' A more
literal translation would be 'bent.' The gloss is avanata, 'bent down.'
5. The 'River of Heaven' was the celestial Ganges; cf. stanza 47, note 7.
6. I have rendered udakta by 'evaporated'; literally it means 'drawn up.'
V.L. (a) K-svarnareņur druta. (b) V abhrantabhränta-; J -cakra-
bhramanikhila-; VJH -nemni nimna, B -nemnimna. (c) H raver eka-
dvithi. (d) VHB svoşnodastämbu-, K svoşmodastambu-, J svoşnodak-
tambu-; VHB -pulinoddhüşara (with lingual sibilant); VJHB svardhunt
69 (68 in VJHB)
nantum nākālayānām aniśam anuyatām paddhatiḥ pańktir eva
kṣodo nakṣatrarāśer adayarayamilaccakrapiṣṭasya dhūliḥ
heṣāhrādo harīṇāṁ suraśikharidarīḥ pūrayan neminādo
yasyā 'vyāt tivrabhānoḥ sa divi bhuvi yathā vyaktacihno ratho
The¹ car of the Hot-rayed (Sürya) exhibits the [same] charac-
teristics in the sky, as if [it were running along] on the