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Bhagavata Purāṇa. Ed. Tukarāma Jāvajī (Bombay), 1898.
Bhojaprabandha of Ballala. Ed. K. P. Parab, 2d ed., Bombay,
Mankhakośa. Ed. Theodor Zachariae, in Quellenwerke der
altindischen Lexicographie, vol. 3, Wien and Bombay, 1897.
Mahābhārata. Bombay edition, 1862-1863.
Mänavadharmaśāstra (Code of Manu). Ed. V. N. Mandlik,
Bombay, 1886.
Märkandeya Purāṇa. Translation of F. Eden Pargiter, Cal-
cutta, 1904.
Mṛcchakaṭikā of Südraka. Ed. Parab, Bombay, 1900.
Yaśastilaka of Somadeva. Ed. Sivadatta and Parab, 2 volumes,
Bombay, 1901 and 1903 (Kāvyamālā Series).
Yajñavalkyasmrti. Ed. H. N. Apațe, 2 volumes, Poona, 1903-
Yogayātra of Varahamihira. Edited, with German translation,
by H. Kern in Indische Studien, volumes 10 and 14, Leipzig,
1868 and 1876.
Raghuvamsa of Kālidāsa. Ed. G. R. Nandargikar, 3d ed., Poona,
Ratnāvali of Sriharşa. Ed. Parab and Jośī, Bombay, 1888.
Rasikajivana of Gadadhara. The first 46 stanzas have been edited
and published by P. Regnaud under the title 'Stances San-
skrites Inédites,' in Annuaire de la Faculté des Lettres de
Lyon, Paris, 1884.
Rājatarangini of Kalhana. Ed. Durgāprasāda, son of Vrajalāla,
3 vols., Bombay, 1892-1896.
Rajanighantu of Narahari. Edited, with German translation, by
Richard Garbe, under the title Die indischen Mineralien, Leip-
zig, 1882.
Rāmāyaṇa. Bombay edition published by the Lakşmivenkateś-
vara Press, Bombay, 1895.
Rig Veda. Edited, with Sāyaṇa's commentary, by F. Max
Müller, 4 vols., 2d ed., London, 1890-1892.
Vikramorvasi of Kalidasa. Ed. G. B. Vaidya, Bombay, 1894.
Vişnu Purāṇa. English translation, in five volumes, by H. H.
Wilson, London, 1864-1877.