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At dawn the splendor of Arka (Sürya) does not possess its full
But [gains] fresh strength in the crossing of the intermediate
space between the sky and the directions;
[At dawn] <it brings about the destruction of darkness>, but
<does not shine intensely»,¹ nor does it display its complete
And <it brings about the destruction of error>, but «does not
willingly cause pain», nor «does it display excessive con-
And, although it has humiliated night, it does not yet pour out
in full measure the light of day.
May that splendor of Arka (Sürya) not cease to fulfil your ex-
4. The
Notes. 1. The commentary glosses rucimat, which is not found in the
lexicons, but appears to be an adverb, by diptimat, ' brilliant,' and kathoram,
'piercingly.' For the suffix -mat used to form adverbs-a rare forma-
tion-see Whitney, Skt. Grammar, 1235, e. 2. Error, or ignorance,
which is synonymous with error in Hindu philosophy, is spiritual darkness.
3. The commentary here glosses rucimat by svecchaya, 'in accordance with
its own will,' apparently taking ruci in the sense of 'desire.'
commentary here glosses na 'tirapam vyanakti by ätmanam na ślaghate,
'does not praise itself'; I have rendered as 'does not display excessive
conceit.' 5. I have rendered the suffix -taram as 'in full measure,'
taking it to be the suffix of comparison in the feminine adverbial form.
For the attaching of this suffix to personal forms of verbs, cf. Whitney,
Skt. Grammar, 473, c. 6. The commentary, omitting the na and the api,
obtains a second rendering of this pada, interpreting it as follows: naktam
rūpam vipakşam pratikşipya divasakalyamitrasya tejovṛddhim karoti [read
kalya for kalpa], 'disregarding night, its contrary form, causes an increase
of the splendor of its friend, the dawn of day.' 7. For the position of
this stanza in J's text, see stanza 26, note 1.
V.L. (a) J dhväntadhvasam; VJHB tapati nitarām na 'tirapam. (b) K
nyaktām; K ahni tvişam. (c) VHB ma vyaramsid; VHB yuşmadaśa.
(d) V ajakaśa cakaśāvataraṇa-.
29 (26 in J)
tīvram nirvāṇahetur yad api ca vipulam yat prakarṣeņa cā 'ņu
pratyakşam yat parokşam yad iha yad aparam naśvaram
śāśvatam ca