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the citations in this vinme refer. The arrangement fsūows the order of
the Sanskrit abjcales
Atharva Verla. English translation by Whitney and Lanman.
Two volume, Cambridge, Mass., 1905 (Harvard Oriental
Series, vols. 7 and 8).
Anekarthasamgraha of Hemacandra (with commentary of Ma-
hendra). Ed. Theodor Zachariae, in Quellenwerke der altin-
dischen Lexicographie, vol 1, Wien and Bombay, 1893-
Abhidhánacintamani of Hemacandra. Ed. Sivadatta and Parab
in the Abhidhana-Sangraha. Bombay, 1896.
Amarakośa (the Nāmalińgānuśāsana of Amarasimha). Ed.
Durgaprasad, Parab and Sivadatta, in the Abhidhāna-San-
graha, Bombay, 1889.
Alamkārasarvasva of Rājánaka Ruyyaka. Ed. Durgaprasad and
Parab, Bombay, 1893 (Kāvyamālā Series).
Astadhyayi of Panini. Ed. O. Böhtlingk, Leipzig, 1887.
Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva. Ed. Hermann Brockhaus, Leip-
zig, 2 vols., 1839-1862.
Kavikanthabharaṇa of Kṣemendra. Ed. Durgaprasad and Parab,
Bombay, 1887 (Kāvyamālā, part 4).
Kavindravacanasamuccaya, of unknown authorship. Ed. F. W.
Thomas, Calcutta, 1912 (Bibliotheca Indica Series).
Kadambari of Bana. Ed. Peter Peterson, 2d ed., Bombay, 1889.
Karpuramañjarī of Rajasekhara. Ed. Konow and Lanman,
Cambridge, Mass., 1901 (Harvard Oriental Series, vol. 4).
Kalika Purāṇa. The Rudhirãdhyāya chapter of this Purana,
translated by W. C. Blaquière, in Asiatic Researches, vol. 5,
P. 371-391, London, 1799.
Kavyaprakasa of Mammața. Ed. B. V. Jhalakîkara, 2d ed., Bom-
bay, 1901.