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ujjṛmbhambhojanetradyutini dinamukhe kimcid udbhidya-
śmaśruśreņi 'va bhāsām diśatu daśaśati śarma gharmatvişo
The thousand rays of the Hot-rayed (Sürya) <spread over the
<realm of the quarters [of the sky], which are women¹-a
realm «beautified by [the rays'] exceeding soft² splendor>>,
[And are therefore] like a ««fringe of down»> <spreading
around the <vulva» of women, which is beautified by its
exceeding soft luster»;
And <just breaking out> <at the opening of day», which has the
splendor of the eye of an expanded lotus,
They are verily «its sole adornment»>, and <«manifest a redness,*
since only a part of their development has been attained >>>.
[Hence these rays are also] <<like a fringe of beard>>, which,
<when sprouting> <on a [youth's]" face»,
Forms the sole adornment of it, and <«manifests a tawny
color, since only a part of its growth has been attained >>>.
May these thousand rays of the Hot-rayed (Sürya) bestow happi-
ness upon you!
Notes. 1. The commentary says: 'The quarters, to be sure, are women.'
In stanza 12, the quarters are said to be adorned with pigment, as if they
were women. Cf. dikkamini,' maiden quarter,' in Kalhana's Rajatarangini
(ed. by Durgaprasāda, son of Vrajalāla, in 3 vols., Bombay, 1892-1896),
2. Lit. madhura means 'sweet,' 'honied,' but the gloss is mrdu,
3. The word dig- in digvadhanam appears to have no parono-
masiac rendering. 4. The dawn color is red; but when the maturity of
the rays is attained, and when the sun is above the horizon, the full blaze
of its light is yellow. On the form -kapilima, fem. from a -man stem in
composition, cf. Whitney, Skt. Grammar, 436, 437. 5. The commentary
explains: 'it sprouts out on the face of youths.' The dina- in dinamukhe,
and the compound ujjrmbhambhojanetradyutini appear to have no parono-
masiac rendering.
V.L. (b) HB aruḍhapraudhi-. (c) J aśruśreniva; VJHB tasam diśatu.
māulīndor māiṣa moṣīd dyutim iti vṛṣabhāṁkena yaḥ śańkineva
pratyagrodghāṭitāmbhoruhakuharaguhāsusthiteneva dhātrā