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To the above may be added the word udghatanam (Sürya-
śataka, stanza 2), cited on page 134, line 8, of Der Dhatupatha
des Hemachandra, edited by Joh. Kirste, and published as Band
4 of the series entitled Quellenwerke der altindischen Lexiko-
graphie (see second paragraph preceding), Wien and Bombay,
Aufrecht, in his Catalogus Catalogorum (vol. 1, p. 732; vol. 2,
p. 175; vol. 3, p. 150), has listed 33 references to manuscripts of
the Suryaśataka-or Mayuraśataka, as some of the manuscripts
call it and I have been able to add 6 other manuscripts that are
mentioned in catalogues issued subsequently to the Catalogus, or
else were omitted by Aufrecht.¹ These 6 are as follows.
A Sanskrit manuscript listed by Cecil Bendall, in his Catalogue
of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the British Museum, p. 100-101,
no. 257, London, 1902; this is accompanied by a verbal explana-
tion, in Sinhalese, by Parakramabāhu Vilgam-mūla.
A manuscript listed by M. Rangācārya in A Descriptive Cata-
logue of the Skt. MSS in the Government Oriental MSS Library,
Madras, vol. 5, p. 2135, no. 2886, Madras, 1909. This manu-
script is described simply by the title Süryaśataka, without men-
tion of the author's name. I have taken it for granted that
Mayūra's Suryaśataka is meant.
A manuscript listed by H. Sastri and S. C. Gui in A Descrip-
tive Catalogue of Skt. MSS in the Library of the Calcutta San-
skrit College, vol. 6, p. 108, no. 159, Calcutta, 1903.
A manuscript listed by Winternitz and Keith in their Catalogue
of Skt. MSS in the Bodleian Library, vol. 2, p. 178, no. 1257,
Oxford, 1905. It is accompanied by a Sinhalese commentary.
Two manuscripts which Aufrecht has not included-perhaps
purposely in his Catalogus. They are listed by William Taylor,
1 Two of the manuscripts listed by Aufrecht have been described in
subsequent catalogues; Hultzsch 90 (Cat. Cat., vol. 1) in Winternitz and
Keith, Catalogue of Skt. MSS in the Bodleian Library, vol. 2, p. 178, no.
1256, Oxford, 1905; and Oxf., p. 348 b (Cat. Cat., vol. 1) in Keith's Appen-
dix to Vol. 1 (Aufrecht's Catalogue), p. 103, no. 819, Oxford, 1909.
To the above may be added the word udghatanam (Sürya-
śataka, stanza 2), cited on page 134, line 8, of Der Dhatupatha
des Hemachandra, edited by Joh. Kirste, and published as Band
4 of the series entitled Quellenwerke der altindischen Lexiko-
graphie (see second paragraph preceding), Wien and Bombay,
Aufrecht, in his Catalogus Catalogorum (vol. 1, p. 732; vol. 2,
p. 175; vol. 3, p. 150), has listed 33 references to manuscripts of
the Suryaśataka-or Mayuraśataka, as some of the manuscripts
call it and I have been able to add 6 other manuscripts that are
mentioned in catalogues issued subsequently to the Catalogus, or
else were omitted by Aufrecht.¹ These 6 are as follows.
A Sanskrit manuscript listed by Cecil Bendall, in his Catalogue
of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the British Museum, p. 100-101,
no. 257, London, 1902; this is accompanied by a verbal explana-
tion, in Sinhalese, by Parakramabāhu Vilgam-mūla.
A manuscript listed by M. Rangācārya in A Descriptive Cata-
logue of the Skt. MSS in the Government Oriental MSS Library,
Madras, vol. 5, p. 2135, no. 2886, Madras, 1909. This manu-
script is described simply by the title Süryaśataka, without men-
tion of the author's name. I have taken it for granted that
Mayūra's Suryaśataka is meant.
A manuscript listed by H. Sastri and S. C. Gui in A Descrip-
tive Catalogue of Skt. MSS in the Library of the Calcutta San-
skrit College, vol. 6, p. 108, no. 159, Calcutta, 1903.
A manuscript listed by Winternitz and Keith in their Catalogue
of Skt. MSS in the Bodleian Library, vol. 2, p. 178, no. 1257,
Oxford, 1905. It is accompanied by a Sinhalese commentary.
Two manuscripts which Aufrecht has not included-perhaps
purposely in his Catalogus. They are listed by William Taylor,
1 Two of the manuscripts listed by Aufrecht have been described in
subsequent catalogues; Hultzsch 90 (Cat. Cat., vol. 1) in Winternitz and
Keith, Catalogue of Skt. MSS in the Bodleian Library, vol. 2, p. 178, no.
1256, Oxford, 1905; and Oxf., p. 348 b (Cat. Cat., vol. 1) in Keith's Appen-
dix to Vol. 1 (Aufrecht's Catalogue), p. 103, no. 819, Oxford, 1909.