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description of each text is found in the reconstructed
text of the six versions mentioned above.¹
19. Directly below the heading in English, the
Sanskrit text of the Cāṇakya maxims has been given.
A résumé in English of each maxim (or group of maxims
dealing with the same subject matter) is given in para-
graph 15 above. If the maxim appeared in more
than one version of Caṇakya's aphorisms, the recon-
structed text which seemed to be the best has been
In the first paragraph of the footnotes which follow
each maxim the sources have been quoted; first the
number of the reconstructed maxim of the appropriate
version, as being published in the Vishveshvaranand
Vedic Research Institute; secondly other Cāṇakya
sources have been mentioned; the first two letters, CV,
Cv, CR, CS, CN, CL (they are followed by another
letter or letters) characterize the version. The letters Cn
refer to texts which are connected with the CN version
but have an appearance of notebooks of students of
Sanskrit written probably by children or adolescents
and do not merit any special attention. If any maxim
¹ See n. 4 on p. 42 above.
2 Sometimes maxims which, in reality, have two distinct
readings of the same maxim are quoted separately; this occurs,
however, only exceptionally and exclusively in cases when at least
two pada-s are different, e.g. Nos. 184-7, 235-6 in the text below.