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213. One who is cruel, who has bad inclinations,.
who is greedy, timid, and too candid, who is not
engaged in collecting money, yet spends lavishly, is.
unfit to be employed.
214. One should not keep company with a fool:
he is like a beast with two feet. Like a thorn he pierces:
the heart imperceptibly with sharp words.
215. A large number of fools who live like cattle
hide the good qualities of others, just as the cloud hides.
the sun.
Discharge of King's Officials
216. The king who does not destroy his official'
who is equal to him in wealth, ability, statesmanship,
and industry, and has taken away half of his kingdom,.
will be destroyed by him.
217. A bad minister should be expelled completely
just as a bad tooth is extracted with the root.
218. The king should expel a sluggish, talkative,
stupid, cruel, addicted, perfidious, discontented, or
disloyal official.
Ministers and High Officials
219. Dharmadhyakṣa (Superintendent of Justice)
should be of high family, noble conduct, great wisdom,.
of keen insight in the dispensation of justice, and.
endowed with all virtues.
220. Bhandadhyaksa (The Treasurer) should be
concerned with the increase of the treasure, should.