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45-7. Wealth is of short duration.
48. Wealth is the friend of the king in the negotia-
tion of peace, in war, for bribery, etc.
49-64. One who has wealth has everything,.
while those deprived of it are lost.
65. The king should collect the treasure like a
gardener plucking flowers without uprooting the plants.
66-8. The king should collect the treasure like a
milkman without injuring the cow's udder or exhausting
the cow, or injuring her offspring.
69. The king should collect the treasure like a bee
which does not injure the flower.
70. Like an ant-hill, honeycomb, and moon in
the bright fortnight, the king's treasury becomes bigger
and bigger, little by little.
71-2. The king desires wealth (treasure).
73. The king is doomed if he touches the
Brāhmaṇa's wealth.
74. The king should spend money from the treasury
on needy persons.
Respect for Knowledge and Learning
75-6. The king should respect learning and
77-8. The king is honoured in his own kingdom,
but the learned man is honoured everywhere.
79. Better a blind king than one deprived of
80. A thought of a wise man can destroy the