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Es ist... nicht richtig, in ihnen [Sprüchen] "Volks-
poesie" zu sehen und sie mit Sprichwörtern gleichzusetzen,
die von Mund zu Mund gehen, ohne dass an einen einzelnen
Autor zu denken ist. Diese Sprüche sind vielmehr in littera-
rischen Kreisen entstanden, sie stammen teils aus Werken der
Litteratur, teils rühren sie von Verfassern her, deren Namen
vergessen worden sind.' 1
The analysis of each aphorism
shows in any case that it is wrong to say that the great
majority of aphorisms belong to popular poetry, the
authorship of which cannot be traced. Some of the
aphorisms certainly belong to this category, but form
a definite minority.
14. Scholars who were dealing with the problem
of the composition of the so-called Cāṇakya aphorisms
and the origin of Kautilya's Arthaśāstra referred to the
following passage found at the end of the contents of
Kautilya's Arthaśāstra: śāstra-samuddeśaḥ pañcadaśādhi-
karaṇāni, sapañcāśad-adhyāya-śatam, sāśīti-prakaraṇa-śatam,
şaṭ śloka-sahasrāṇīti 2 (such are the contents of the
science: there are on the whole 15 adhikaraṇa-s [books],
150 adhyaya-s [chapters], 180 prakarana-s [sections],
6000 śloka-s). They also referred to the following
obscure sentence in Dandin's Daśakumaracarita: adhişva
tavad dandanitim. iyam idānim ācārya-vişnuguptena maur-
yarthe ṣaḍbhiḥ śloka-sahasraiḥ samkṣiptā 3 (now ācārya
op. cit., p. 136.
3 In BSS 10, p. 131. 10-2.
2 K, p. 5.16-7.