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d'histoire naturelle.' 1 It may also be added that the

collection of Cāṇakya's aphorisms found in the Tibetan

Tanjur is a classical text of Canakya's aphorisms

belonging to the Cāṇakya-rāja-niti version (CR), name-

ly the CRT text; it was translated into Tibetan by the

Indian Pandit Prabhākaraśrīmitra (Prabakasrimitra)

and the Tibetan Bhikṣu Rin-chen bzan-po of žhu hen

(Ratnabhadra) in the tenth century A.D.2 and that the

Nītisāra of the Garuda-purana is another text of the

Cāṇakya-rāja-nīti-śāstra (CR) version.³

13. It is impossible to establish the extent to which

the various aphorisms and maxims were formulated by

an authority on polity or were part of popular poetry.

O. Kressler said: 'Ohne Zweifel handelt es sich... bei der

weitaus überwiegenden Mehrzahl der vorliegenden Strophen

um sprachlich wie gedanklich ganz anspruchslose Volkspoesie;

die einzelnen, unter einander in keiner inneren Beziehung

stehenden Sprüche gingen von Mund zu Mund, ohne von

eigentlichen Dichtern herzustammen. Dass dann eine später

veranstaltete Sammlung solcher Verse mehr oder weniger Con-

tradictorisches bietet ist nahe zu selbstverständlich.' 4 M.

Winternitz did not accept Kressler's theory and wrote:

1 cf. CM, p. xv.

2 cf. L. Sternbach, 'The Tibetan Cāṇakya-raja-nīti-śāstram,"

ABORI, 42, pp. 99-122.

3 cf. L. Sternbach, The Caṇakya-rāja-nīti-śästra and the

Brhaspati Samhitã of the Garuḍa-purāṇa,' ABORI, 38, pp. 58-110;

and An Unknown Canakya MS. and the Garuḍa-purāṇa,' IIJ,


1. 3, pp. 181-200.

4 cf. CKr, p. 27.