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1. Ms. This Ms. contains original verses and Sanskrit
commentary. It has been adopted as the base of this critical
edition. There are one hundred and five verses in this Ms. It is
preserved in the Panjab University Library of V.V.R.I., Sadhu
Ashram, Hoshiarpur (vide Lal Chand Collection Ms. No. 3800).
It is an original palmleaf manuscript and is written in Mala-
yalam script. A comprehensive commentary along with verses is
given upto verse no. 99 and from verse no 100 to 105 com-
mentary is given only with pratikas of the ślokas Folio 132 and
folios 66 to 80 are partly damaged. The size of this Ms. is 9" x
" and there are 4 lines on a page and 36 letters per line. Its
general condition is not so good but it is legible and almost
correct. Lacunae are indicated at several places and it seems very
old by its appearance. The scribe is not mentioned. Dr. V.
Raghavan did not examine this manuscript at all. We are
thankful to Shri S. Bhaskaran Nair, Director V. V. R. I.,
Hoshiarpur for rendering help in its reading.
It begins with कूटलूर मेलेटत्ते भल्लटशतकव्याख्यानम् (The Bhallata
Sataka commentary belongs to Kütalūra meletam House) aft:
श्रीगणपतये नमः, श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः । अविघ्नमस्तु । श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः । श्री दुर्गायै नमः ।
and it ends with अगाधगर्ते निक्षिपति चेत्यर्थः । तत्र दु: बस्तु व्यज्यते । इति श्रीमन्म-
हेश्वरेण ल-णाराध्य ।
2.¹ Ms. It is preserved in the University Library of the
University of Jammu, Jammu (vide Kashmir Section, Acc. no.
159718, 2153/B/77). Having 110 verses, this complete manuscript
is written on 20 full size pages. It is a copy of Devanagarī paper
transcript from a Trivandrum Ms. D., 12109 lying in the Govern-
ment Oriental Manuscript Library, Madras. It begins with
॥ श्रीः ॥ भल्लटशतकम् । तां भवानीं and ends with इति भल्लटशतकं समाप्तम् ॥
समाप्तञ्वेदम् ।
3.² Ms. This Ms. is also preserved in the University Library
of Jammu University, Jammu (vide Kashmir Section Acc. No.
159779, 2153/B/77). It is transcribed from a manuscript pre-
served in the Government Oriental Manuscript Library, Madras
under R. No. 2907. This transcript has only commentary portion
and is originally from Malabar. The total number of commented
verses is 105. It is written on 94 pages of full size white paper.
CC-0 Shashi Shekhar Toshkhani Collection. Digitized by eGangotri