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the dirt you have put on your own body? How is that to be
Bhallata gives a very heart-pinching condemnation of man's
ingratitude towards a noble man wholly devoted to the service of
कि जातोऽसि चतुष्पथे घनतरछायोऽसि कि छायया,
ya: fatsfa fr sant: gutsfa fs aaa: 1
हे सवृक्ष सहस्व सम्प्रति सखे शाखाशिखाकर्षण-
क्षोभामोटनभञ्जनानि जनतः स्वैरेव दुष्चेष्टितः ॥ भ००, 37
O noble tree! why were you born at a junction of four roads?
Why did you have dense shade? Endowed with shade why
did you bear fruits? Well ! if you had a wealth of fruits, why
did you bend so low? Thus as a result of your own faults, you
have to suffer when the people are pulling down, shaking,
crushing and breaking your branches.
Some verses of Bhallata have a touch of romance also. The
complaint of a lady in separation has been registered in a very
touching style. The rainy season has awakened the pangs of
separation by means of fragrant breezes, thundering clouds,
dancing peacocks and frightening lightening. She has no com-
plaint against the breeze, the peacock and the clouds because all
of them are hard-hearted males and do not realize the agony of
a beloved separated from her lover but she has real complaint
against the lightening who has been hitting her hard. Being a
lady, she should have realized her heartache and adopted a
sympathetic attitude:
वाता वान्तु कदम्बरेणुशबला नृत्यन्तु सर्पद्विषः
सोत्साहा नवतोयभारगुरवो मुञ्चन्तु नादं घनाः ।
मग्नां कान्तवियोग दुःखदहने मां वीक्ष्य दीनाननां
विद्युत् कि स्फुरसि त्वमप्यकरुणे स्त्रीत्वेऽपि तुल्ये सति ॥ भ० श०, 97
The poetry of Bhallata has a charm of its own. We see in it
not only the art of personifying objects of nature but also a capa-
city to intermingle his own personality with them. The rivers,
the mountains, the birds and the animals all share his experiences
and express them faithfully.
CC-0 Shashi Shekhar Toshkhani Collection. Digitized by eGangotri