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employees deserves condemnation and Bhallata expresses sur-
prise at an employee's obstinacy in clinging to such a master who
is inconsistent in his speech, who listens to anybody's words,
who is arrogant and has lost all discrimination between his own
people and his enemies. His hands are always empty for his
employees. The idea is expressed through an anyokti about the
elephant and the bee who represent through paronomastic
substantives and paronomastic adjectives, the images of a repul-
sive master and a devoted servant.
सोऽपूर्वो रसनाविपर्ययविधिस्तत्कर्णयोश्चापलं
दृष्टि: सा मदविस्मृतस्वपरदिक् कि भूयसोक्तेन वा ।
पूर्वं निश्चितवानसि भ्रमर हे यद्वारणोऽद्याप्यसा-
वन्तःशून्यकरो निषेव्यत इति भ्रातः क एष ग्रहः ॥ भ०श०, 19
Bhallata praises vocal people through an image of a conch-
shell. It may be said that the conch-shell is a mere bone or that
it is broken or that it is dead or that it speaks with the force of
air supplied by others but there is no doubt that whatever it
speaks has good meaning and is worth listening.
शङ्खोऽस्थिशेषः स्फुटितो मृतो वा
प्रोच्छ्वास्यतेऽन्यश्वसितेन सत्यम् ।
किन्तूच्चरत्येव न सोऽस्य शब्द:
Bhallata's views about polity are hinted at in various muk-
भ०श०, 28
takas. In verse 79, he describes the duties of a king through
aprastutaprasaṁsā based on ślesa :
श्राव्यो न यो यो न सदर्थशंसी ॥
पुंस्त्वादपि प्रविचलेद्यदि यद्यधोऽपि
यायाद्यदि प्रणयने न महानपि स्यात् ।
अभ्युद्धरेत्तदपि विश्वमितीदृशीयं
केनापि दिक् प्रकटिता पुरुषोत्तमेन ॥
भ०श०, 76
If he would lose manhood, if he would go down, if he would
become low in supplication, even then he would save the
universe. Thus a direction of this kind is revealed here by some
indescribable Purușottama. Here the paronomastic substantive
Purusottama which means Visņu as well as king and the paro-
nomastic epithets refer to a king who
placed in a difficult
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