2023-08-18 13:00:27 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
संस्कृति मंत्रा
Steadfast in Dharma, this Prithu
punished not the innocent, even if he
were the son of one who hated him
were the son of one who hated him
(Prithu), and he punished even his own
son, if the son deserved punishment.
मातृभक्तिः परस्त्रीषु पत्न्यामर्ध इवात्मनः ।
प्रजासु पितृवत्स्निग्धस्सुहृदां नन्दिवर्धनः ॥
He revered others' women as his
mother, and his own wife, he loved as
half of his own self. He was affectionate
towards his subjects like a father and
increased the happiness of his friends.
भूमण्डलमिदं वैन्यः प्रायश्चके समं विभुः ।
ग्रामान्पुरः पत्तनानि दुर्गाणि विविधानि च ।
प्राक् पृथोरिह नैवैषा पुर
King Prithu, son of Vena, made (the
surface of) the earth almost even; and on
it then, Prithu, who was God Himself,
and who maintained his subjects like a
father, created everywhere places of