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the fact that the GUNEMENT OF
ods or SL
the fact that the Gods or S
uras are, like

the Gods of Greek antiquity, not patterns

of morality, and the Asuras or Titans are

very often superior to the Gods in

courage, chivalry, character and religious

devotion. The moral superiority of the

Asuras is conspicuous in the case

Prahlada and Bali,
character stands out in shining contrast to

that of Indra, the ruler of the Devas. One

plausible explanation which occurs to me

is that God has been often depicted in the

Puranas as a tribal God, and the partiality

shown towards the Devas is consistent

with this character. The unwilling

testimony borne by the Puranas to the

character of some of the Asuras is strange

and calls for an explanation. The Asuras

and Suras were agnatic relations, and the

Asuras, who were the Gods of the ancient

Iranians, represented the heroes of the

Iranian branch of the Indo-Aryan family

from which the Aryans of India

separated when they trekked towards


The protection of servants, dependants
and votaries is an obligation and a virtue.
Krishna exhibits a most touching
solicitude for the inviolability of the
troth of his Bhaktas even at the sacrifice
sometimes of his own.
The protection of ser
ne circumstance
which must ne
vants, dependants
er be lost sight of in our
appraisal of the characters and e
votaries is an obligation and a virtue.
Krishna exhibits a most touching
solicitude for the inviolability of the
troth of his Bhaktas even at the sacrifice
sometimes of his own. One circumstance
which must never be lost sight of in our
appraisal of the characters and events