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तं विचक्ष्य खलं पुत्रं नृप आसीत्सुदुर्मनाः ॥
Seeing his son wicked, king Anga be-
came very depressed in mind.
एवं स निर्विण्णभना नृपो गृहात्
हित्वा गतो वेनसुवं प्रसुप्ताम् ॥
Thus disgusted, king Anga went away
from the palace abandoning the sleeping
mother of Vena.
भृग्वादयस्ते मुनयो लोकानां क्षेमदर्शिनः ।
प्रकृत्यसंमतं वेनमभ्यषिञ्चन् पतिं भुवः ॥
The sages, Bhrigu and others, who
have always the security of the world in
view, anointed as King, Vena, who was
not acceptable to the subjects.
सोऽवमेने महाभागांस्तब्धस्संभावितस्स्वतः ।
न यष्टव्यं न दातव्यं न होतव्यं द्विजाः क्वचित् ।
इति न्यवारयद्धर्मं भेरीघोषेण सर्वशः ॥
Haughty and imagining himself great,
he insulted the eminent. " Brahmins !
You should not make any gifts; you
should not offer any oblations anywhere?"
Thus did he prohibit Dharma by the
beat of drum everywhere.