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The royal sage Uttanapada, hearing of
and himself seeing that most wonderful
greatness of his son, and seeing also the
consent of the subjects, made Dhruva,
beloved of the subjects, the lord of the
आत्मानं च प्रवयसमाकलय्य विशाम्पतिः ।
वनं विरक्तः प्रातिष्ठद्विमृशन्नात्मनो गतिम् ॥
Seeing himself very old, king Uttana-
pada, becoming detached, started out to
the forests thinking of the way to self-
ध्रुवोऽयजत यज्ञेशमच्युते भक्तिमुद्वहन् ।
ददर्शाऽऽत्मनि भूतेषु तमेवावस्थितं विभुम् ॥
Dhruva propitiated with sacrifices the
Lord of the sacrifices; with devotion to
(that) imperishable Being, he saw estab-
lished in himself and in all beings only
that all-pervading God.
तमेवं शीलसंपन्नं मेनिरे पितरं प्रजाः ॥
The subjects looked on Dhruva,
endowed with such conduct, as their