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OF CULoccasion as it is gay or grave, from the
lighter and swift moving measure of the
madrigal and the pastoral song to the
slow and solemn measure of the hymn.
here is a solemnity and grandeur in the
devotional songs which attunes the mind
to the high theme. It is a poem to suit
different modes and emotions, the mood
of adoration or worship, or sorrow or joy,
of peace and tranquillity, of discontent
with the things of the world and a desire
for freedom from its trammels, of humility
and regret over wasted opportunities for
salvation, of perplexity about the
mysteries of the universe and the ways of
od or of passionate yearning for union
with God.
occasion as it is gay or grave, from the
lighter and swift moving measure of the
madrigal and the pastoral song to the
slow and solemn measure of the hymn.
There is a solemnity and grandeur in the
devotional songs which attunes the mind
to the high theme. It is a poem to suit
different modes and emotions, the mood
of adoration or worship, or sorrow or joy,
of peace and tranquillity, of discontent
with the things of the world and a desire
for freedom from its trammels, of humility
and regret over wasted opportunities for
perplexity about the
mysteries of the universe and the ways of
hile the Western mind
prefers to contemplate
God or of passionate yearning for union
with God. While the Western mind
prefers to contemplate God in the role of
in the role of
law-giver, a judge or a friend, the Hindu

mind prefers to dwell upon the concep-

tion of God in His incarnation as a child,

a son, a lover, a hero, a guide and
counsellor, a protector of the oppressed

counsellor, a protector of the oppressed
and the humble and the pure in heart,

and a saviour. This is the secret of the

special charm of the Krishna Avatara.

The virtues ascribed by the author to

the Deity may sometimes appear to be

carried to extremes. Like the God of the

Israelites, the God of the Hindus is

described as partial to the Devas or Suras

who are His chosen people. This

favouritism is unaccountable in view of