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When, handing over the kingdom (to
you), your father retires to the forests,
you shall, upholding Dharma, protect the
kingdom for thirty-six thousand years,
with your faculties unimpaired. And
having enjoyed the rightful things with
which you will be blessed, you shall
think of me in the end; and then shall
you go to my place, whence one returns
बालस्य पश्यतो धाम स्वमगाद्गरुडध्वजः ।
सोऽपि सङ्कल्पजं प्राप्य नातिप्रीतोऽभ्यगात्पुरम् ॥
Even as the lad was looking on, God
Hari departed to His abode. And the
lad also, though he had attained what he
had wished for, returned to the city, not
very much pleased.
ध्रुवः --
" ममैतत्प्रार्थितं व्यर्थं चिकित्सेव गतायुषि ।
प्रसाद्य जगदात्मानं तपसा दुष्प्रसादनम् ।
भवच्छिदमयाचेऽहं भवं भाग्यविवर्जितः ॥"
(Dhruva said unto himself :) "This has
been sought by me in vain, like medicine
sought after life had departed. Having