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'योऽन्तः प्रविश्य मम वाचमिमां प्रसुप्तां
सञ्जीवयत्यखिलशक्तिधरः स्वधाम्ना ।
अन्यांश्च हस्तचरणश्रवणत्वगादीन्
प्राणान्नमो भगवते पुरुषाय तुभ्यम् ॥
"Obeisance unto you, the Lord and
Supreme Being who holds within Him
all powers and who, entering me, kindles
to life with His power this speech of
mine that was dormant, as also my
hands, feet, ears, the senses of touch and
the rest, and my very life-breaths.
' यस्मिन्निरुद्धगतयो ह्यनिशं पतन्ति
विद्यादयो विविधशक्तय आनुपूर्व्यात् ।
तद्ब्रह्म विश्वभवमेकमनन्तमाद्यम्
आनन्दमात्रमविकारमहं प्रपद्ये ॥'
"I seek refuge in Thee who art that
from which, one after another, Learning
and other manifold powers fall away
with their progress arrested every time,
- that Brahman, the source of the
Universe, the One, the Endless, the First,
that which is Bliss itself and is the