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With fear coming upon him on seeing
the Lord, the boy (Dhruva) prostrated
himself on the ground, throwing his
body down like a stick, looking at Him
intently as if he were drinking Him in
with his eyes, appearing to kiss Him
with his mouth and embrace Him with
numerous arms.
स तं विवक्षन्तमतद्विदं हरि-
र्ज्ञात्वाऽस्य सर्वस्य च हृद्यवस्थितः ।
कृताञ्जलिं ब्रह्ममयेन कम्बुना
पस्पर्श बालं कृपया कपोले ॥
Lord Hari, who is established in his as
well as all others' hearts, finding him
desirous of speaking but innocent of
speech, kindly touched on the cheek,
with his conch which embodies the
Vedas, the boy who was (standing) with
folded hands.
स वै तदेव प्रतिपद्य तां गिरं
तं भक्तिभावोऽभ्यगृणाद् ध्रुवक्षितिः ॥
Obtaining the power of speech at that
very moment, Dhruva for whom God had
already reserved a permanent place, sang
of Him in his devotion :