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According to sage Narada's instruc-
tion, he attentively worshipped the
Supreme Being. Contemplating the
Brahman, he stood on one leg, motionless
like the trunk of a tree. As he was hold-
ing his mind on the Brahman, the three
worlds shook.
स वै धिया योगविपाकतीव्रया
हृत्पद्मकोशे स्फुरितं तटित्प्रभम् ।
तिरोहितं सहसैवोपलक्ष्य
बहिस्स्थितं तदवस्थं ददर्श ।
Suddenly losing sight of Him who was
flashing like a lightning within the lotus-
bud of his heart, as a result of his intel-
lect becoming keen by the fruition of the
Yoga, Dhruva (opened his eyes) and saw
Him standing outside in the same
तद्दर्शनेनागतसाध्वसः क्षिता-
ववन्दताङ्गं विनमय्य दण्डवत् ।
दृग्भ्यां प्रपश्यन्प्रपिबन्निवार्भकः
चुम्बन्निवास्येन भुजैरिवाश्लिषन् ॥