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"The path which your mother told you
of is for your salvation. Therefore, my
child, may welfare attend you; go to the
pure bank of the Yamuna, the forest of
Madhuvana where there is the eternal
presence of God Hari. With a constant
and one-pointed mind you should medi-
tate upon the munificent Lord with a
smile and a look of love. And prince,
hearken to this greatest and (most)
secret Mantra that must be mediated
upon and repeated: 'Om, obeisance unto
Lord Vasudeva',"
इत्युक्तस्तं<error>/</error><fix></fix>परिक्रम्य प्रणम्य व नृपार्भकः ।
ययौ मधुवनं पुण्यं हरेश्वरणचर्चितम् ॥
So told, that child-prince, Dhruva,
went round Narada, bowed to him and
went to the sacred Madhuvana marked
with the footprints of Lord Hari.
समाहितः पर्यचरदृष्यादेशेन पूरुषम् ।
ध्यायन्ब्रहा पदैकेन तस्थौ स्थाणुरिवाचलः ।
ब्रह्म धारयमाणस्य त्रयो लोकाश्चकम्पिरे ॥