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गुणाधिकान्मुदं लिप्सेदनुक्रोशं गुणाधमात् ।
मैत्रीMरीं समानादन्विच्छेन्न तापैरभिभूयते ॥'
"A man should desire to be pleased
with one who is superior to him in endow-
ments; to be sympathetic to one who is
inferior in endowments; and should seek
friendliness with one who is equal in
endowments ; (doing thus), he is not over-
come by heart-burnings."
सोऽयं शभो भगवता सुखदुःखहतात्मनाम् ।
दर्शितः कृपया पुंसां दुर्दर्शोऽस्मद्विधैस्तु यः ॥
"This way of composing oneself has
been kindly shown by your blessed self
to men who are assailed with pleasure
and pain, a path hardly perceivable by
persons like myself.
'अथापि मेऽविनीतस्य क्षात्रं घोरसुपेयुषः ।
सुरुच्या दुर्वचोबाणैर्न भिन्ने श्रूयते हृदि ॥