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Though there is the difference of
insult and honour, there are (really) no
causes for discontent for a man except his
ignorance; for, in (this) world, men are
different because of their own actions.
'परितुष्येत्ततस्तात तावन्मात्रेण पूरुषः ।
दैवोपसादितं यावद्वीक्ष्येश्वरगतिं बुधः ॥
"Therefore, dear child, the wise man
should content himself with that which
destiny has provided for him, under-
standing the design of the Master.
'अथ मात्रोपदिष्टेन योगेनावरुरुत्ससि ।
यत्प्रसादं स वै पुंसां दुराराध्यो मतो मम ॥
"Further, He whose grace you desire to
obtain through the Yoga taught by your
mother, He, I consider, is hard to be
propitiated by men.
'अतो निवर्ततामेष निर्बन्धस्तव निष्फलः ।
यतिष्यति भवान्काले श्रेयसां समुपस्थिते ।
"Therefore, may you turn back; this
tenacity of thine is futile; thou shouldst
make (all these) efforts when the
propitious time comes.