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Hearing his mother's words thus
blabbered (in grief), words which were
(destined) to accomplish his object,
Dhruva controlled his mind himself and
went out of his father's city.
नारदस्तदुपाकर्ण्य ज्ञात्वा तस्य चिकीर्षितम् ।
पृष्ट्वा मूर्धन्यघघ्नेन पाणिना प्राह विस्मितः ॥
Hearing of that (departure of Dhruva)
and understanding what he desired to do,
Narada (who met him) touched him on
his head with his sin-destroying palm
and wondering (at him), said:
'नाधुनाऽप्यवमानं ते संमानं वाऽपि पुत्रक ।
लक्षयामः कुमारस्य सक्तस्य क्रीडनादिषु ।
"Child, to you who are yet a boy
engrossed with your toys and the like, I
do not see how any insult or honour is
विकल्पे विद्यमानेऽपि न ह्यसन्तोषहेतवः ।
पुंसो मोहमृते भिन्ना यल्लोके निजकर्मभिः ॥