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Pierced by these very sharp words of
his step-mother, Dhruva approached his
own mother, weeping bitterly. Youthful
Suniti took her boy on her lap, heard of
what had taken place and told him:
'माऽमङ्गलं तात परेष्वसंस्था
भुङ्क्ते जनो यत्परदुःखदस्तत् ।
सत्यं सुरुच्याऽभिहितं भवान्मे
यद्दुर्भगाया उदरे गृहीतः ।
यदीच्छसेऽध्यासनमुत्तमो यथा ॥'
" Child, do not think ill of others; for
man but reaps the misery he has caused
to others. Suruchi hath spoken but truth;
for you have been borne in the womb of
an unfortunate woman. Worship the
lotus-feet of God Hari if you desire the
high seat like Uttama."
एवं सञ्जल्पितं मातुराकर्ण्यार्थागमं वचः ।
संनियम्यात्मनाऽऽत्मानं निश्चक्राम पितुः पुरात् ॥