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Once, taking Uttama, the son of
Suruchi, on his lap and fondling him,
the King did not like Dhruva who also
desired to get on his lap.
तथा चिकीर्षमाणं तं सपत्न्यास्तनयं ध्रुवम् ।
सुरुचिश्शृण्वतो राज्ञः सेर्ष्यमाहातिगर्विता ॥
As the King was listening, the
exceedingly haughty Suruchi told Dhruva,
her co-wife's son, who was desiring to get
upon the lap of his father:
'न वत्स नृपतेर्धिष्ण्यं भवानारोदुमर्हति ।
न गृहीतो मया यत्त्वं कुक्षावपि नृपात्मजः ।
मे गर्भे साधयात्मानं यदीच्छसि नृपासनम् ॥'
" Child, you do not deserve to get upon
the king's throne; for, though the son of
the king., you were not born of my womb.
If you desire to be seated with the king
contrive to be born of me."
मातुस्सपत्न्याः सुदुरुक्तिविद्धो
जगाम मातुः प्ररुदन्सकाशम् ।
सुनीतिरुत्सङ्ग उदुह्य बालं
निशम्य तद्बालकमाह बाला ॥