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'मनसैतानि भूतानि प्रणमेद्बहुमानयन् ।
ईश्वरो जीवकलया प्रविष्टो भगवानिति ॥
"Honouring all these beings, one
should bow to them with his mind,
thinking that the Lord and Master has
entered them all as the immanent spirit.
'श्रद्धत्स्वैतन्मतं मह्यं जुष्टं यद् ब्रह्मवादिभिः ।
येन मामभवं याया मृत्युमृच्छन्त्यतद्विदः ॥
"Bear in your heart these thoughts of
mine. which the expounders of the
Supreme Spirit cherish; by these you
shall attain Me who am birthless and
those who know them not go to death."
इति प्रदर्श्य भगवान्सतीं तामात्मनो मतिम ।
स्वमात्रा ब्रह्मवादिन्या कपिलोऽनुमतो ययौ ।
Showing thus His path to that virtuous
woman, the Lord Kapila disappeared on
being permitted by his mother who had
spoken of matters of the Spirit with him.
सा चापि तनयोक्तेन मार्गेणाचिरतः परम् ।
आत्मानं ब्रह्म निर्वाणं भगवन्तमवाप ह ॥