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'कर्मनिर्हारमुद्दिश्य परस्मिन्वा तदर्पणम् ॥
यजेद्यष्टव्यमिति वा पृथग्भावः स सात्त्विकः ॥
"He who offers his worship to the
supreme with the object of doing away
with both good and evil, or worships Him
because he must, is one informed by
knowledge, though he also has the sense
of difference.
'अहं सर्वेषु भूतेषु भूतात्माऽवस्थितस्सदा ।
तमवज्ञाय मां मर्त्यः कुरुतेऽर्चाविडम्बनम् ॥
"I, the soul of all beings, am always
present in all beings; ignoring me who
am there, this mortal man performs the
mockery of image-worship.
'यो मां सर्वेषु भूतेषु सन्तमात्मानमीश्वरम् ।
हित्वाऽर्चां भजते मौढ्याद्भस्मन्येव जुहोति सः ॥
"He who leaves Me (who am) present
as Soul and Master in all beings, and, in
his stupidity, seeks an image, verily
pours his offering on the ashes (and not
in the fire).
'द्विषतः परकाये मां मानिनो भिन्नदर्शिनः ।
भूतेषु बद्धवैरस्य न मनः शान्तिमृच्छति ॥