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in moderation, frequently resorting to the
security of solitude, non-injury, truthful-
ness, non-stealing, taking no more than
the necessary amount of material posses-
sion, restraint in sexual enjoyment,
penance, personal purity, study of
scriptures, worship of God, --by these and
other ways mind casts off its impurity.
'अभिसन्धाय यो हिंसां दम्भं मात्सर्यमेव वा ।
संरम्भी भिन्नदृग्भावं मयि कुर्यात्स तामसः ॥

"He who practises devotion to me,
contemplating harm (to other beings),
with pride and malice, ostentatious and
seeing difference (everywhere), is one
who is impelled by ignorance.
'विषयानभिसन्धाय यश ऐश्वर्यमेव वा ।
अर्चादावर्चयेद्यो मां पृथग्भावः स राजसः ॥

"He who, contemplating objects of
enjoyment, fame or riches, worships Me
in images and the like--that man who
also has the sense of difference, is one
prompted by passion.