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of all men, risen like the sun who is the
eye of this world, which is blinded with
darkness. Therefore, O God ! you must
remove my gross ignorance."
श्रीभगवान् --
'योग आध्यात्मिकः पुंसां मतो निःश्रेयसाय मे ।
तमिमं ते प्रवक्ष्यामि योगं सर्वाङ्गनैपुणम् ॥
The Lord--
"The Yoga of self-knoweldge is con-
sidered by me as the means of attaining
the eternal weal; and that yoga which is
efficiency itself in every respect, I shall
expound to you.
' चेतः खल्वस्य बन्धाय मुक्तये चात्मनो मतम् ।
गुणेषु सक्तं बन्धाय रतं वा पुंसि मुक्तये ॥
"The mind it is that is held as the
cause of the soul's bondage as well as of
its release; engrossed in material objects
of enjoyment, it makes for bondage; if it
revels in the spirit, it makes for