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"I take refuge in Kapila whose power
is dependent on Himself alone. I now
take leave of you (Kapila), the Lord of
all beings. Taking to the path of the
Sannyasin, I shall move about, fixing you.
in my heart and bereft of all sorrow."
'एष आत्मपथोऽव्यक्तो नष्टः कालेन भूयसा ।
तं प्रवर्तयितुं देहमिमं विद्धि मया धृतम् ॥
The Lord --
"This secret path for realising the
self has been lost for a long time. Know
that this body has been taken by me to
restore it.
'गच्छ कामं मया पृष्टो मयि सन्न्यस्तकर्मणा ।
जित्वा सुदुर्जयं मृत्युममृतत्वाय मां भज ॥
"Go as you please; you are permitted
by me; with your action offered up to Me,
conquer the very invincible Death and
seek Me for Immortality.
'मात्रे आध्यात्मिकीं विद्यां शमनीं सर्वकर्मणाम् ।
वितरिष्ये यया चासौ भयं चातितरिष्यति ॥