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सोऽनुज्ञात्वा व्यवसितं महिष्या दुहितुस्स्फुटम् ।
तस्मै गुणगणाढ्याय ददौ तुल्यां प्रहर्षितः ॥
After learning clearly the resolve of
his queen and of his daughter, Manu with
great delight gave in marriage to the
sage, who was rich with a multitude of
virtues, his daughter who was equal (to
the sage in her qualities).
तस्यां बहुतिथे काले भगवान्मधुसूदनः ।
कार्दमं वीर्यमापन्नो जज्ञेऽग्निरिव दारुणि ॥
After a long time, Lord Hari entered
the energy of Kardama and was born of
Devahuti, like fire of wood.
स चावतीर्णं त्रियुगमाज्ञाय समभाषत ॥
And Kardama, understanding his
son as God incarnate, spoke.
'स्वच्छन्दशक्तिं कपिलं प्रपद्ये
तं त्वाऽभिपृच्छेऽद्य पतिं प्रजानाम् ।
चरिष्ये त्वां हृदि युञ्जन्विशोकः ॥