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प्रजापतिसुतस्सभ्राण्महिष्या शतरूपया ।
आयास्यत्यात्मजां दास्यत्यनुरूपाय ते प्रभो ॥
The Lord--
"Great sage! the Emperor (Manu),[^*]
the son of the Creator, will go (here) with
his queen Satarupa and will give in
marriage his daughter (Devahuti) to you
who are a meet husband for her.
'सहाहं स्वांशकलया त्वद्वीर्येण महामुने ।
तव क्षेत्रे देवहूत्यां प्रणेष्ये तत्त्वसंहिताम् ॥'
"Great Sage, partially manifesting my-
self through your energy in thy wife
Devahuti, I shall found a system of
[^*] Manu is the first man. After creating the sages
and divine beings, Brahma felt that he could not yet
bring into being the human species and as he was
feeling thus, his form divided into two, a male and
a female. The male is Manu, the first man and
emperor; he is called Svayambhuva Manu, i.e., Manu
born of the Creator, Svayambhu. The female was
Satarupa who became Manu's queen and from this
prime-couple, the human species began to develop.
Two sons, Priyavrata and Uttanapada, and three
daughters., Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti, were born to
Manu and Satarupa. Manu gives Devahuti in
marriage to Kardama Prajapati and of those two is
born sage Kapila, an incarnation of the Lord to bless
the world with spiritual enlightenment.