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From the nostril of the creator who
was thus meditating, there issued out, of
a sudden, a little Boar, of the size of
the thumb.
तस्याभिपश्यतः स्वस्थः क्षणेन किल [भारत] ।
गजमात्रः प्रववृधे जगर्जागेन्द्रसन्निभः ॥
Even as the creator was looking on,
that Boar which was standing in the
skies grew as big as an elephant within
a moment; looking like a great mountain,
it roared.
विनद्य भूयो जलमाविवेश
क्रोडापदेशस्स्वयमध्वराङ्गः ॥
Roaring again, the Lord Himself who
embodied the sacrifice and had taken the
guise of the Boar, dived into the waters.
स्वदंष्ट्रयोद्धृत्य महीं निमग्नां
स उत्थितः संरुरुचे रसायाः।
तत्रादिदैत्यं गदयाऽऽपतन्तं
जघान रुन्धानमसह्यविक्रमः ॥