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'प्रजास्सृज यथापूर्वं याश्च मय्यनुशेरते ॥'
"(Now,) create, as you did in the
previous cycle, the beings that
"embedded in Me."
विरिञ्चोऽपि तथा चक्रे यथाऽऽह भगवानजः ।
तपसा विद्यया लोकान्प्राग्लीनान् लीलयाऽसृजत् ॥
The creator did as the unborn Lord
told him. With his penance and know-
ledge, he sportfully created the worlds
that had previously dissolved (into the
परमेष्ठी त्वांवपां मध्ये तदा सन्नामवेक्ष्य गाम् ।
कथमेनां समुन्नेष्य इति दध्यौ धिया चिरम् ॥
But seeing the earth lost at that time in
the midst of waters, the creator thought
for a long time of how he could lift
her up.
'यस्याहं हृदयादासं स ईशो विदधातु मे ॥'
"May that Master from whose heart
I had my being do me (what is needful). "
इत्यभिध्यायतो नासाविवरात्सहसा [अनघ] ।
वराहतोको निरगादङ्गुष्ठपरिमाणकः ॥