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This universe was flooded with water
at that time (of creation) ; and lying on
those waters, on the bed of the great
serpent, the one Being of never-closing
eyes, closed His eyes (in mystic sleep),
bereft of any yearning and choosing
to revel in the bliss of His own self.
उवास तस्मिन्सलिले पदे स्वे ।
तस्यान्तरर्थो रजसा तनीयान्
सूष्यंस्तदाऽभिद्यत नाभिदेशात् ॥
Enwombing the subtle essence of all
things within His body, He dwelt on
those waters which formed His abode.
The very subtle principle within Him,
desiring to evolve as a result of the active
quality, burst forth at that time through
his navel.
स पद्मकोशस्सहसोदतिष्ठत्
तस्मिन्स्वयं वेदमयो विधाता।
स्वयंभुवं यं स्म वदन्ति सोऽभूत्
न्यषीददारूढसमाधियोगः ॥