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यत् किञ्च लोके भगवन्महस्व-
दोजस्सहस्वद्बलवत् क्षमावत् ।
तत्त्वं परं रूपवदस्वरूपम् ॥
"Whatever in this universe is endowed
with superior powers, is effulgent, virile,
capable of suffering, strong, and patient;
whatever is endowed with beauty; what-
ever is endowed with a sense of shame at
doing wrong; whatever is endowed with
prosperity and self-possession; whatever
is wonderfully resplendent, whatever has
a fine form, whatever is subtle,--(all this)
is that Great Principle.
'प्राधान्यतो यान् ॠषय आमनन्ति
लीलावतारान् पुरुषस्य भूम्नः ।
आपीयतां कर्णकषायशोषा-
ननुक्रमिष्ये त इमान् सुपेशान् ॥
"These sportful incarnations of that
boundless Spirit which the sages consider
as the chief ones, which purify the ears
of those that ardently listen to them and
which are most beautiful, I shall relate.