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प्राक्कूले बर्हिष्यासीनो <error>गङ्गाकूले</error> <fix>गङ्गाकूल</fix> उदङ्मुखः ।
ब्रह्मभूतो महायोगी निस्सङ्गः, तक्षको नृपम् ।
अदशद्, ब्रह्मभूतस्य देहोऽहिगरलाग्निना ।
बभूव भस्मसात्सद्यः पश्यतां सर्वदेहिनाम् ।
Bereft of all attachments, Parikshit sat
on the bank of the Ganges facing the
north, on sacred grass placed eastward,
and becoming a great yogin, passed into
the Brahman. The (serpent) Takshaka
stung the king; and even as all the
people were looking on, the body of the
royal sage who had become the Brahman
became a heap of ashes as a result of the
fire of the snake's poison.
देवदुन्दुभयो <error>नेदुः गन्धर्वाप्सरसो</error><fix>नेदुर्गन्धर्वाप्सरसो</fix> जगुः।
ववृषुः पुष्पवर्षाणि विबुधास्साधुवादिनः ॥
Heavenly drums rumbled; the
Gandharvas and the celestial damsels
sang and applauding (Parikshit), the
gods sent showers of flowers.
॥ इति परीक्षिन्निर्वाणम् ॥
Thus Ends the Story of the Salvation
of Parikshit