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' अनुजानीहि मां ब्रह्मन् वाचं यच्छाम्यधोक्षजे ।
मुक्तकामाशयं चेतः प्रवेश्य विसृजाम्यसून् ॥ '
" Give me leave, O you who have
realised the Brahman! I shall subdue the
expression of all the senses; and making
my mind, cleared of even the vestiges of
yearnings, enter the Lord, I shall give up
my life."
सूतः -
इत्युक्तस्तमनुज्ञाय भगवान् बादरायणिः ।
जगाम भिक्षुभिस्साकं नरदेवेन पूजितः ॥
The Suta-
Thus told and honoured by king
Parikshit, the worshipful son of Vyasa,
Suka gave him leave and departed along
with (other) ascetics.
परीक्षिदपि राजर्षिरात्मन्यात्मानमात्मना ।
समाधाय परं दध्यावस्पन्दासुर्यथा तरुः ॥
And the royal sage Parikshit placed
his mind with his intellect on the Inner
Light, and with his breath still, contem-
plated, looking like a (motionless) tree.