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अन्तकाले तु पुरुष आगते गतसाध्वसः ।
छिन्द्यादसङ्गशस्त्रेण स्पृहां देहेऽनु ये च तम् ॥
"When end has come, man should lay
aside fear and cut with the sword of
detachment his love for the body and for
those who have arisen in the wake of that
love, (his wife, children and kinsmen).
'यस्यावतारकर्माणि गायन्ति ह्यस्मदादयः ।
न यं विदन्ति तत्त्वेन तस्मै भगवते नमः ॥
"Obeisance unto that Lord whose
incarnations and deeds myself and others
sing of, but whom we have not yet learnt
in truth !
' विशुद्धं केवलं ज्ञानं प्रत्यक् सम्यगवस्थितम् ।
सत्यं पूर्णमनाद्यन्तं निर्गुणं नित्यमद्वयम् ॥
"He is pure knowledge itself; that
which is the innermost of everything;
that firmly established thing about which
there is no doubting; He is Truth itself;
that full thing that has neither beginning
nor end; He is the attributeless, the
eternal and (the one that is) without
a second.