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Great King, to those householders
who, attached to their families, do not
realise the Truth of Self, things that
should be listened to, thought of and
worshipped exist in thousands.
'तस्माद्भारत सर्वात्मा भगवान् हरिरीश्वरः ।
श्रोतव्यः कीर्तितव्यश्च स्मर्तव्यश्चेच्छताऽभयम् ॥
"Therefore, O scion of Bharata, he who
desires That on realising which fear
ceases to exist, must listen to the glories
of Lord Hari, the master and the soul of
everything, must sing of Him and think
of Him.
'जन्मलाभः परः पुंसामन्ते नारायणस्मृतिः ॥
"The greatest fruit of men having
taken a body, is the memory of Narayana.
during their last moments.
'तवाप्येतर्हि कौरव्य सप्ताहं जीवितावधिः ।
उपकल्पय तत्सर्वं तावद्यत्सांपरायिकम् ॥
"Scion of Kuru, there are still seven
days for your life to come to an end and
ere that time, prepare all that which
would lead you to salvation.