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Then, leaving aside this world as well
as the other, both of which he had
already judged as things that must be
cast away, he regarded service at the feet
of Krishna as greater and sat on the
banks of the celestial river (the Ganges),
vowing to fast unto death.
दध्यौ मुकुन्दाङ्घ्रिमनन्यभावो
मुनिव्रतो मुक्तसमस्तसङ्गः ॥
He meditated, with no other thought,
on the feet of Lord Hari, taking to a sage's
austerities, and leaving all attachments.
तत्रोपजग्मुर्भुवनं पुनानाः
महानुभावा मुनयस्सशिष्याः ।
अभ्यर्च्य राजा स्वचिकीर्षितं यत्
विज्ञापयामास विविक्तचेताः ॥
There came, along with pupils, great
sages who sanctified the world.
Honouring them, the king, with his pure
mind, announced what he desired to do.