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blight of his family, this enemy of my
father, who has thus transgressed the
निशम्य शप्तमतदई नरेन्द्रं
स ब्राह्मणो नात्मजमभ्यनन्दत् ।
'अहो तांहो महदज्ञ ते कृत-
मल्पीयसि द्रोह उरुर्दमो धृतः ॥
Hearing that the king, who did not
deserve that, had been cursed, the
Brahmin commended not his son. (He
said :) "Alas! you unknowing (boy) ! a
great sin has been committed by you; for
a trifling wrong, a great punishment
has been resorted to.
धर्मपालो नरपतिः स तु सम्राड् बृहच्छ्रवाः ।
साक्षान्महाभागवतो राजर्षिर्हयमेधयाट् ।
क्षुत्तृट्छ्रमयुतो दीनो नैवास्मच्छापमर्हति ॥'
"The king is the guardian of Dharma
and that Parikshit is an emperor of great
renown, a great devotee of the Lord, a
sage among kings and a performer of
horse-sacrifices. Pitiable with fatigue,
hunger and thirst, he hardly deserves a
curse from us."