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स तु ब्रह्मऋषेरंसे गतासुमुरगं रुषा ।
विनिर्गच्छन्धनुष्कोट्या निधाय पुरमागमत् ॥
While going away from him, Parikshit
angrily placed, with the tip of his bow, a
dead snake on the shoulder of that
Brahmin sage and returned to his city.
तस्य पुत्रोऽतितेजस्वी श्रुत्वा तत्रेदमब्रवीत् ।
कृष्णे गते भगवति शास्तर्युत्पथगामिनाम् ।
तद्भिन्नसेतूनद्याहं शास्मि पश्यत मे बलम् ॥'
The son of that sage, a man of
exceeding spiritual power, heard (of this)
and said this there: "Now that Lord
Krishna, the chastiser of the erring, is
gone, I shall chastise the transgressors;
witness my prowess."
इत्युक्त्वा रोषताम्राक्षो वाग्वज्रं विससर्ज है
'इति लङिघतमर्यादेंदं तक्षकः सप्तमेऽहनि ।
दङ्क्ष्यति स्म कुलाङ्गारं चोदितो मे पितृद्रुहम्' ॥
Having spoken thus, the boy delivered
a curse, his eyes red with rage: "Insti-
gated by me, (the serpent) Takshaka shall,
on the seventh day (from now), bite this