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एकदा धनुरुद्यम्य विचरन्मृगयां वने ।
मृगाननुगतः श्रान्तः क्षुधितस्तृषितो भृशम् ।
ददर्श मुनिमासीनं शान्तं मीलितलोचनम् ।
विशुष्यत्तालुरुदकं तथाभूतमयाचत ॥
Taking his bow, he once went hunting
in the forests and pursuing animals, he
became tired, hungry and very thirsty.
He saw a hermit, sitting with closed eyes
in quietude; his throat being parched, he
begged water of that sage in that state.
अलब्धतृणभूम्यादिरसंप्राप्तार्घसूनृतः ।
अवज्ञातमिवात्मानं मन्यमानश्चुकोप ह ॥
Not receiving a kind word of welcome,
worship or seat, the king considered
himself insulted and became enraged.
अभूतपूर्वः सहसा क्षुत्तृड्भ्यामर्दितात्मनः ।
ब्राह्मणं प्रत्यभूद् [ब्रह्मन् ] मत्सरो मन्युरेव च ॥
In him, who was being agonised by
hunger and thirst, there arose suddenly
what had never before arisen against a
Brahmin, anger and a hatred of his