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युधिष्ठिरः स्वराद्ट् पौत्रमभ्यषिञ्चद्गजाह्वये ॥
King Yudhishthira installed (as ruler)
his grandson, Parikshit, in Hastinapura.[^*]
स उत्तरस्य तनयामुपयेम इरावतीम् ।
जनमेजयादींश्चतुरस्तस्यामुत्पादयत्सुतान् ॥
Parikshit married Iravati, the daughter
of Uttara and begot on her four sons,
Janamejaya and others.
विशेषतो धर्मशीलो राजा लोकपतिर्गुरुः ।
वृषस्य नष्टांस्त्रीन्पादान् तपः शौचं दयामिति ।
प्रतिसन्दध आश्वास्य महीं च समवर्धयत् ॥
Exceptionally righteous, that king,
Parikshit, lord and teacher of the world,
restored to Dharma its three lost feet,
penance, purity and compassion, soothed
(the suffering) Earth and made her prosper.
[^*] Parikshit was the son of Abhimanyu and Uttara;
Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna, Yudhishthira's
younger brother. Parikshit was born a corpse as
a result of the deadly missile aimed at his mother's
womb by Asvatthaman. Krishna brought him to
life by His power, He succeeded the Pandavas on
the throne. See The Mahabharata (G.A. Natesan & Co.)
pp 375-383 and 445 segq.